Although for sentiment sake I felt like making a dish to farewell hot summer days - Beer Battered Flathead and Chips. This is not a significant culinary feat, actually it is one of the easiest things to prepare and cook yourself, but I got such a sense of satisfaction out of making food that is typically considered pub grub in my own home...and may I add having a few sneaky Cooper's without leaving my front door!
From the heartland of classic beer battered fish and chips are these lovely Essex ladies enjoying a grey English summer. Source: website

Homemade Beer Battered Fish & Chips
You'll need:-
3-4 Flathead fillets
4 potatoes (sliced into chips of about 1-inch wide)
Good quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 1/2 cups of cold beer (Ale or beer with malty hops work best but I'm a Copper's fan which works very well too!)
2 cups of fine plain flour
Couple of ice cubes
Lemon wedges & sea salt to serve
(serves 2)
Start by par-boiling the sliced potato chips in boiling water until fluffy and soft - test with a fork.
Once the chips have par-boiled and are resting on a paper towel to dry - have ready a deep fry pan on a hot stove with good quality olive oil about 2-inches deep (I know it's not traditional to use olive oil for deep frying but I prefer it - you could substitute it with canola oil).
While the oil is heating up, in a large mixing bowl whisk together slowly the beer with the sieved flour dropping in a few ice cubes towards the end to keep the mixture extra cold. Ensure it is mixed through thoroughly however do not despair if you do have some lumps as this adds to marvelous crunchy pockets in the batter when cooked.
Test the oil in the fry pan is ready by dropping in a few drops of the batter - you will know it is when thousands of tiny bubbles start sizzling around it and it turns a lovely golden colour. Start adding in your well coated battered chips individually - watch until they are well golden (approx. 3-4 mins). Remove the chips once cooked and rest on some kitchen towel to absorb the excess oil.
Repeat this process with the flathead fillets (however allow 3-5 mins).
This homemade fish and chips is so gluttonous but so good.....
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