It is no secret to those who come to my place that I have an obsession, a fetish perhaps, for cook books of all sorts. It is this obsession that often leaves me spending hours in bookstores scrolling the shelves for my next find and when I picked up this book, Apples for Jam, by Tessa Kiros I felt my search for the book that epitomises cooking for life to be over.
This book is pages and pages of pure love, homeliness and food from the heart and identifies all my food philosophies and inspirations over 417 pages. I actually found myself reading through each prologue in detail and savouring each page that reflects on the authors childhood memories of food and how she has tried to re-create those memories for her own children. The recipes then almost became sacrilegious to me, to the point I felt I couldn't cook one as they were so personal and belonging to this authors life. I did end up cooking my first recipe one Sunday, the Cottage pie, and from then I have not stopped.
I recommend this as a must for the shelf for anyone who has ever cooked for someone they loved or cooks for the love of it itself.....